In this short guide of historic Charleston , South Carolina ...I decided to start this one from the Battery area, instead of St. Philip's church like I always do as it is one of the most if not THE most popular tourist spot in Charleston . That is the reason wealthy homeowners built their homes here to catch the breezes from the water in this hot ,( it was 75 degrees in late October ) , and humid area of the Deep South.
Let's look around,
Here is the view from the long walkway made of large slate blocks and concrete, looking towards the mansions that were built here. This walkway goes all around the battery area, towards White Point park, and then to the building where the Coast Guard is located. That is my youngest daughter, Sarah, to the far left of the picture. This is typically always full of tourists and joggers. Those large slate slabs ' move' when you walk on them !
Another view of the slate slabs and walkway
Here was one of the many carriage that do tours around the historic areas of Charleston. I will tell you that if you do this in the Summer, bring some water as it is very hot , and I recall being on one of these a few times when my son was very young..and he fell asleep on me. A 100 degree day, a child asleep on your lap for an hour, on a crowded carriage ride. I was drenched when I got up to leave that ride...still remember it , and he wakes up and goes, " Let's go again ! "
No way.
Here is a shot of a true Charleston wrought iron bench in White Points Garden. I would have loved to have gotten some shots of the large gazebo that they do weddings in here, but they have dismantled it for renovations. Will get you a shot when it gets back. This park is seen right off the walkway of the Battery, and it has numerous cannons and statues about the War of 1812.
Plus lots of pigeons that my son used to call ducks ...are roaming around waiting for someone to throw them some bread.
Here was an original authentic horse-tie stand that was outside of a house.
Close up of the horse.
Marble entry steps leading to front door. This is a common sight , especially among the mansions on the Battery. I guess people with money all liked marble steps then !
Here was beautiful rose garden off the side of one of the homes. They all have large side piazza or porches to catch the sea breezes.
Many of the homes also have ivy-covered steps leading to the front doors.

Typical view of some mansions ivy-covered steps with their dogs lounging around on the porches .
Lucky, lucky dogs.
A shot of the Calhoun mansions, a wedding gift a very wealthy man named George Williams built for his daughter while she was on a year long honeymoon with her husband in Europe. Hard to believe anyone had that much money to be able to spoil yourself rotten for a year.
Daddy's girl I guess.
When you come to Charleston , you will see street after street of some of these large mansions amidst some that are not quite so large.This one is called the Chisholm mansion off of Tradd St. , a block off of the Battery area. It is called the Charleston Greek revival style, primarily because of the massive columns. This is one of my very favorite homes to walk past, every trip here.
Front wrought iron gates of Chisholm mansion. My daughter was with me , she says, " Hey the gates open..go in and take a picture. "
Did not, very tempted and definitely considered it for too long.
Darned open gate-tempter.
Last view in this guide, this was the front of the Dock Street Theatre , the oldest theater in the United States. It is on Church St., a block down from St. Philip's church. It is located at 135 Church St. and was built in the early 1700's. They have been renovating this going on two years now. I have many guides about the historic neighborhoods of Charleston in my September archives, check them out if you have time.
I hope your day is a really, really good one, Blessings,
" It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High , to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night. " psalm 92:1-2
Plus lots of pigeons that my son used to call ducks ...are roaming around waiting for someone to throw them some bread.
Here was an original authentic horse-tie stand that was outside of a house.
Close up of the horse.
Marble entry steps leading to front door. This is a common sight , especially among the mansions on the Battery. I guess people with money all liked marble steps then !
Here was beautiful rose garden off the side of one of the homes. They all have large side piazza or porches to catch the sea breezes.
Ivy seems to be growing on everything here, this was a view of a large cement antique urn in a garden.

Here was a beautiful circular garden at a Bed and Breakfast , in the back, that had the most beautiful antique cement statue I have seen here.


She was about my size, and if you saw her you would want her too in your garden.
More beautiful than my photos can show.
I felt she represented the essence of a woman in her garden.Typical view of some mansions ivy-covered steps with their dogs lounging around on the porches .
Lucky, lucky dogs.
A shot of the Calhoun mansions, a wedding gift a very wealthy man named George Williams built for his daughter while she was on a year long honeymoon with her husband in Europe. Hard to believe anyone had that much money to be able to spoil yourself rotten for a year.
Daddy's girl I guess.
When you come to Charleston , you will see street after street of some of these large mansions amidst some that are not quite so large.This one is called the Chisholm mansion off of Tradd St. , a block off of the Battery area. It is called the Charleston Greek revival style, primarily because of the massive columns. This is one of my very favorite homes to walk past, every trip here.
Front wrought iron gates of Chisholm mansion. My daughter was with me , she says, " Hey the gates open..go in and take a picture. "
Did not, very tempted and definitely considered it for too long.
Darned open gate-tempter.
Last view in this guide, this was the front of the Dock Street Theatre , the oldest theater in the United States. It is on Church St., a block down from St. Philip's church. It is located at 135 Church St. and was built in the early 1700's. They have been renovating this going on two years now. I have many guides about the historic neighborhoods of Charleston in my September archives, check them out if you have time.
I hope your day is a really, really good one, Blessings,
" It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High , to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night. " psalm 92:1-2