Typical old single 3 story home on Church St.
I am very fortunate to be able to drive to Charleston, South Carolina...and roam through the downtown historic neighborhoods for ideas and inspiration for my garden and my home. In this guide I will show you some homes that caught my eye on a hot late summer afternoon there.
Let's go--

I saw this house with it's really neat overgrown ivy surround while I was looking for Mrs. Whaley's garden . I did find the garden, it was across the street a ways down from here...but it had a sign on the back gate ( to the garden ), that said GARDEN CLOSED. I felt like a kid who couldn't get into the zoo that day. Considered trying to get back there anyway...did not follow through with my rebellious tendencies against No Entry signs this time though.
Maybe another time.
Here was a huge old home , on some street I do not recall...and I could not for the life of me get far enough away to take a shot of the whole house. See, in Charleston, homes are right on top of each other. The good thing about that though is you get to see so many houses all at once !
This was a gorgeous old home off of S. Battery that had intricate wrought iron accents, doors, balconies...all around.
One of my favorite views of all these homes is the front /side gardens with their large porches or piazzas looking out. Again , since these homes are right on top of each other...I could not get far enough away from one house to take a photo of a house without running into the neighbor's yard, fence, yardman, or dog.
Here are two views of a large, home with unusual hodge-podge wood work, wrought ironwork, and appears to be whatever the owner fancied at the time.
This home was off of Lenwood or Legare, across from a small lake ,columns are huge, very Gone with The Wind style home.
I remember very well taking lots of photos of this home, it was a delicious shade of pinky-peach, had heavy wrought ironwork all around and elaborate cornices over all the windows. The door also has stunning stained glass. I took so many photos of this home, ( I usually only take one shot and keep on moving ), that I thought the owners were going to come out and say, " That's IT Lady , no more photos ! "
Lucky for me, they did not...and lucky for me that I am fast...if they did.
A close-up of the front of same pinky-peach home.
Close-up of the beautiful front door.
Ok, last look.

Again, this was across the street from the pinky-peachy home, and I could not get all four stories of this in here. I could have layed flat on the sidewalk on my back and take it, but did not do that...this time.
Here was a very lovely home with the clipped holly all around and a small fountain in front.
This is one of my very favorite larger mansions with large balconies, porches, piazzaz..this home had it all.
Gorgoeous home near the water, S. Battery area.
Very front of the same home with overflowing planters , I love anything overflowing , especially flowers, gardens and fountains.
On and on and on, large Victorian mansions left and right.
I believe this is where they, ( architects, decorators, home-builders ) , get the term " Charleston-style" home. This is the real deal , one of the originals .
Nothing ever compares to ' the real deal ', in anything in life.
Set of row houses near Church St. When you come to Charleston, you get an eyeful of these style homes.
I'll do more Charleston ' tours' online soon. Check out my ones from September if you have time.
Have a blessed day and be sure to be a blessing yourself to someone else too,
" In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so , I would have told you . I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself ; that where I am ; there you may be also. " John 14 :2-3